LaRussell was Right on Hip Hop Media

LaRussell was right :: hip hop media ::

LaRussell was right in this tweet he posted about hip hop media.  The young rapper fully holding it down for the Bay area right now, also followed up with thoughts on the culture. LaRussell was right on the head with those comments as well. Coming off the heels of Kendrick Lamar, taking his pen to illustrate his perspective of black culture, there may be a change in the atmosphere. This time it’s coming from within. Before we get into all of that, let’s go to the top.

LaRussell was right with his comments on hip hop media –

A cultural reset is needed. Everything is in disarray. It used to be an honor to get posted and a write up in a blog. Now you just pay for it. Even if it’s ass they’ll share it. There’s nothing genuine about it any of it. Our hip hop media barely post music. It’s all gossip and messy shit. The amount of negativity being consumed is disgusting. We’re cultivating really nasty spaces for artists and fans to exist. – LaRussell

As I go through these tweets, and agree – there will be some information shared on our pages that we have not put here before. However, on twitter, which the bootlickers refer to as X, these are insights that have been shared, before.

Another quick disclaimer as well: has never, and will never allow ‘cash payments’ for positive reviews of any hip hop artists, their albums, videos, etc.  It’s not even a wild concept to me that it happens. That’s absolutely where ‘the game’ ended up going when it comes to hip hop. Soon as the people who are in control of far too much now, capitalized. Seeing an opportunity to exploit ‘black people’ while cashing in.

Ice Cube, No DIddy, No Freak offs

Not everyone will participate in that game.

Some of us have to stand our ground. Not the first time Ice Cube has come out and stated, that he’s not in ‘those circles”. This historic moment in hip hop, will go down in history along with all that is transpiring. One has to wonder if Katt Williams is a prophet at this point in 2024. So much, has happened in this season of our lives.

It is here, that we find comments from the young MC, known for his thoughtful energy while attacking verses with joyful ferociousness and effective delivery.

.. and Real talk, that there, is pretty inspirational. was created for this very reason. Hip Hop media for far too long has been dominated by all the wrong voices. People who do not truly care about black people are out in front having real influence. I think that’s the part we fail to understand. Not all of us of course, and we all should be thankful for the people sounding the alarms. Some of my thoughts in reaction to this tweet from LaRussel can be read here. Where I mention, the dissenting voices from the past, like Dolores Tucker and Rev. Calvin Butts.

My goal, with this website, was (and really still is) focused on discussing hip hop, from a black perspective. Not only that, a perspective from real hip hop heads, who’ve contributed. Mostly, people I actually know, who’ve produced records, manage artists, own studios – Grew up on hip hop. Definitely, old heads, but all who still appreciate what the youth continue bringing – that said: they are not really writers.

Which, honestly is on me: I should’ve realized that – cause I’m the former MC –

Writing is what I do. Coming from an era where MC’s wrote their own lyrics.  We used to feel ashamed if we tried to bite somebody else. In so many ways, that’s what spitting bars you did not write, feels like. These are not really your thoughts. This isn’t your voice. The message you’re giving me isn’t even coming from you.

But, I have written verses for others before. I regret it as well cause, none of the cats I wrote for ever gave real credit, respect or props for that.  One, decided that he was tight (when he wasn’t) and would often reuse the rhymes I wrote for him, mixed in with other weak bars he came up with. After a while, he said some of those so often other people thought he came up with it all. Of course, not once did he come clean.

I think for writers, the entire topic of Ghost Writing hits different.

Coming from that era especially, your pen defined you. LaRussell was right to call out hip hop media as now, their pen defines these artists. Artists who often don’t really have any ‘penmanship’ of their own to stand on. It’s not real hip hop, not for real.

LaRussell confirmed what I knew already, just as Kendrick did a few weeks prior. Our culture needs a reset. This reset must begin with mediums, like ours, like what ours can become, if I can find ways to get the contributions from the people that I already know. In many ways, this very post right now is part of that effort. To express and convey the need, for those of us who truly understand what this artform can be used for, to let our thoughts influence the culture for a few….

We’ve all seen, what destruction has been brought to us, from the very ones who are… Not Like Us.

From the Vlads, Adam22’s, Breakfast Clubs, Ebro & Rosenburg …hip hop media is really trash.

Both Vlad, and Ebro have stated on record how they are against ‘cash payments’ as Reparations for black Americans. What type of bull is that, when you sit and think about it. So much of the ‘negative’ rap music, that involves not just drug use but, resorting to violence, are all symptoms of poverty. However, these non black ‘hip hop media’ personalities are literally making money from the negativity. They don’t truly want any of it, to come to an end.

Like many black people, in most of the black communities across the USA, a debt is owed. That debt is cash, and it’s no longer something that many black people are going to stop demanding.

I love this, for black people as, this is really what it’s going to take. It’ll take even more.

Eventually, we will see this through. Which gives me hope for what may be unfolding in hip hop. As I stated, my ‘thoughts’ on what LaRussell said this week on twitter, are linked above. To reiterate one major point here: This time the dissenters are not the old heads.  Younger voices from within the culture, that have influence are speaking out. This time, it’s a bit different than it was before.

Tales from the hood will still continue to be necessary in hip hop, as long as there are poverty stricken hoods.  As long as these conditions exist, hip hop has to be a voice. So should hip hop media.

We’ve allowed the bar to be on the floor for entry into our culture. You no longer have to do something great and be somebody special to get treated like such. They giving niggas who can’t perform or make great songs the same awards Michael Jackson has. How did we get here? When will we all agree that this shit ain’t it? Or we gone keep pretending that we not hearing and seeing what’s in front of us? – LaRussel on Twitter (X): 2024


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