"Jesus Run" by Akeem Ali
AH Video Review Rated: 
Akeem Ali puts a great spin on a Kanye West Classic. Black men need Jesus to RUN not walk.
I saw a comment that I agree with while watching this video. This is real hip hop right here.
Not to discount other ‘messages’ that rappers put on digital wax, this is really what hip hop is for. Using our voices to discuss what’s happening in our communities. Like I said, that does not discount the other messages, about what’s happening. Including the Pimping, that Akeem Ali aka Kenny Cassanova may be mostly known for.
However, in so many ways, what we see here is why so many rappers transition easily into acting. Most are ‘playing roles’ and channeling collective experiences, not just their own, to make the music that is made.
Jesus Run, is a shining example of hip hop. No ‘role’ being played here, unless we consider the very real depiction of the black male experience we see in this video. Thankfully this has not happened to him, but it has happened to way too many.
It has been happening to black people, for far too long.
White society likes to listen to rap music that talks about us killing each other. Rarely do they turn this up.
… but they need to.
“We wanted y’all to kneel with us but not on our necks” – Akeem Ali, Jesus Run
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Way back in 2017 we wrote an article about a new documentary, related to Mike Brown. This horrific murder in the streets of Ferguson is what birthed ‘Black lives Matter’ onto the national discussion scene. The documentary, was titled Stranger Fruit, and we asked what hip hop has to say, today/then, about Mike Brown.
Akeem answered that question with this video. Using simple yet powerful methods to convey the message. The black family is split up by the police brutality so many of our families face in this nation. It literally stops far too many of us from the paths to greatness we were on. Takes joy and happiness and converts it into sadness, and anger. This nation conflicts pains on us with no visible cures on the horizon.
More MC’s need to amplify their voices, and direct their ‘fans’ to pay closer attention – to help us change this corrupt system. That’s hip hop.
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